Recently published study by Refaai et. al assessed the performance of the microINR system in patient self-testing (PST). Vitamin K antagonis...
Immediate actions are required to decrease the global burden of antimicrobial resistance A recent study published new estimates about the b...
Upper respiratory tract symptoms including acute pharyngitis are the common symptoms of COVID-19, with a reported incidence of about 5% – 17...
U.S developed Nova Biomedical's Stat Profile Prime Plus® blood gas analyzer delivers a 24-test blood gas, electrolyte and metabolite panel i...
Ponieważ rok 2021 dobiega końca, pragniemy podziękować wszystkim naszym klientom, partnerom biznesowym i współpracownikom. Mimo że pandemia ...
Pharyngitis, or sore throat, is a leading cause of outpatient care and can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Viral pharyngitis do...
Aidian is your best partner in the demanding field of acute care diagnostics. Here we have selected two systems into focus; our own flagship...
CEO of Aidian, Juho Himberg, was interviewed about QuikRead go iFOBT test and screening of colorectal cancer. English translation of the art...